Remedial Massage

is the systematic assessment and treatment of soft tissue structures that include muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue of the body. 

Remedial Massage Treatment is focused to promote restorative measures that may have resulted from stress and physical repetition and is focused to achieve therapeutic outcomes for balance, health, vitality and wellbeing.  

Various assessment methods are performed to determine the cause of imbalance and dysfunction

Assessment MethodsTreatment Outcomes
Health Consultation
Health History Analysis
Postural Observation
Postural Analysis
Palpation Assessment
Muscle Balance Testing
Muscle Length Tests
Muscle Strength Tests
Orthopedic Special Tests
Radiculopathy Screening
Musculoskeletal Pain Reduction and Elimination
Improved Range of Joint and Muscle Movement
Reduction of Nerve Pain
Injury Rehabilitation, Maintenance, Support and Recovery
Workplace Injury Outcomes
Enhanced Sport Performance
Remedial TechniquesSpecialisedTreatments
MTrP – Trigger Point Therapy
MM – Myofascial Mobilisation
STR – Soft Tissue Release
Joint Mobilisation Technique
Passive Joint Articulation
Passive Stretching
Active Stretching
PNF – Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Technique
MET – Muscle Energy Technique
Pregnancy Massage
MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Aromatherapy Massage
Sports Therapy
Stone Therapy